Get Involved
How Can You Help?
Hopefully, as you’ve been exploring our website you’ve come to understand New Brunswick’s pressing need for Gospel churches. And we pray that the vision for ministry we’ve laid out here is one that resonates with you.
If you or your church wants to get involved and join us in meeting the challenge, there’s several ways you can do so! Check out the opportunities below for individuals and for churches, and see if there’s one—or more!—where you can bless us!
How Individuals Can Help
Join Us In The Mission Field!
Expect great things, attempt great things.
- William Carey, first Baptist missionary to India
Mission Team West
Area of Responsibility: Upper Saint John River Valley
Do you have a heart for the lost and for the people of New Brunswick? Are you willing to join our team in the Upper Saint John River Valley as a Church Planter, Female Gospel Worker, or Colaborer? Contact us and find out more!
Or, Support Us In The Mission Field!
I will go down if you will hold the rope.
- William Carey, first Baptist missionary to India
Care Team
Want to be an encouragement to Gospel workers in the field? Join our Care Team! Volunteers in this ministry commit to staying in touch with Hope Restored Mission workers, whether by letters and cards, care packages and gifts, or phone or video calls—or maybe you have another creative way to be a blessing!
Prayer Team
We need prayer more than anything, and perhaps that’s where you fit in! Our prayer team commits to pray regularly for our work, receives regular updates from the field with specific things to praise God and pray for on our behalf, and has the chance to ask for and receive more information on needs and be the first to hear about answers to prayer.
Sustain Team
We trust the Lord to provide for Hope Restored Mission’s financial needs, and we know he does so through the resources he has entrusted to the stewardship of fellow Christians. Our Sustain Team is made up of those who can pledge to give regularly to sustain our ministry.
Service Team
Some may not be able to relocate to join one of our mission teams, but have practical training or talents that they would like to share with our Mission on a temporary, or short-term, or recurring basis—for instance, a short-term mission trip by a team or individual to work alongside us, or a visiting preacher or teacher. Those who can help in this way compose our Service Team.
How Churches Can Help
The goal of missions is to gather churches that plant other churches.
- Andy Johnson, “Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global”
Supporting Churches
A Supporting Church is a congregation that shares our concern for New Brunswick’s need and commits as a church partner to upholding Hope Restored Mission through regular giving, praying for our ministry in worship services, prayer meetings, or small group ministries, and making our resources available to help others learn about our needs and opportunities.
Sending Churches
Missions societies and agencies don’t actually send missionaries out—that is the role of the local church alone. A Sending Church, in addition to the commitments of a Supporting Church, is one that sends out a missionary or a mission team in partnership with Hope Restored Mission, providing spiritual oversight and accountability to workers.