Sermon - October 22, 2023 - Isaiah 41:8-10
Link to a sermon Jeff preached on Isaiah 41:8-10 at Woodstock Wesleyan Church, Sunday October 22, 2023.

Sermon - 15 Oct 2023 - Isa 46
Link to a sermon Jeff preached on Isaiah 46 at Mount Pleasant United Baptist Church, Sunday October 15, 2023.

In Brief / En bref (09/28/2023)
A selection of useful resources from around the Web. | Une sélection de ressources utile sur le Web.

In Brief / En bref (09/19/2023)
A selection of resources from around the Web. | Une sélection de ressources sur le Web.

New Brunswick’s First Baptists Were Confessional
Is it true that “Baptists are not a creedal people”? The history of New Brunswick’s earliest Baptists tells a much different story.

Le ministère de chaque membre
En d'autres termes, une église saine doit être une coopérative qui porte le fardeau, où tout le monde participe et où il n'y a pas de profiteurs. L'appartenance à l'Église est donc un appel au ministère.

A Handbook for Practicing Expositional Listening
I really do think this booklet would be more valuable to most Christians than almost any other book, besides the Bible itself. I say that because, if gathering together to hear God speak from his Word is the most vital practice of the Christian life, then striving to do so as well as we can should be our first priority.

Boasting in Weakness
If anyone besides the apostle had reason to boast in the things that showed his weakness, it was David Brainerd. The incredible impact that such a short and frustrating ministry career has had on the course of world missions, and on the spiritual lives of thousands of believers through the centuries since, both testify to the providential direction of God in the task of world missions.

Face It, You’re Smaller Than God
We need to accept and rejoice in our human limitations. “The secret things belong to God,” after all! It is good and right to humbly reflect on our difference from and inferiority compared to our Creator.

Work As It Was Meant To Be
…the promise of resurrection and paradise is not a promise that we will be freed from work. Rather, it is a promise that we, and our work, will be freed from sin, so that our work may become the joy and pleasure it was always intended to be.