Giving to Hope Restored Mission
Would you consider financially supporting the cause of starting and strengthening healthy churches in New Brunswick? Here’s how you can do so.
Our Governing Church
Hope Restored Mission is a church planting and strengthening mission project of Calvary Grace Church of Calgary.
Donations to support the work in New Brunswick can be given to Calvary Grace Church, designated for New Brunswick, and Calvary Grace is able to issue charitable donation receipts for income tax purposes, provided they have your name and mailing address.
Calvary Grace Church accepts donations via e-transfer. The church has autodeposit enabled and you will not be required to give a security question and answer. The money will be deposited automatically. Please specify in the memo of your e-transfer that the donation is for New Brunswick. The e-transfer email address is: giving@calvarygrace.ca.
If you wish to give by cheque, simply make out the cheque to Calvary Grace Church, and in the memo line specify New Brunswick. You may mail cheques (or pre-authorized debit forms—see below) to Calvary Grace at:
Calvary Grace Church of Calgary
204 6A Street NE, Calgary, AB
Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD)
You may also set up a regular (monthly) pre-defined donation to Calvary Grace Church, designated to New Brunswick, to be directly debited from your bank account. If you wish to give in this way, please email giving@calvarygrace.ca and request a pre-authorized debit form. Simply print it, fill it out (noting on the form that it’s for New Brunswick), place it in an envelope with a void cheque, and mail it to the address above.
You can give via credit card by Square (or via PayPal—see the next section). To use Square, please visit this link, select your donation amount, and note New Brunswick in the memo line:
You can give via your PayPal account (or via credit card) by visiting Calvary Grace Church’s website at this link: (https://www.calvarygrace.ca/give), and under “PayPal” clicking the yellow “Donate” button. Don’t forget to note that the donation is for New Brunswick. (There is fee of about 2.26% charged to the church for using this account. You will get a tax receipt for the full amount you donate but the church will receive your amount less the fee.)
Our Governing Church’s Charitable Number
Calvary Grace Church’s charitable registration number is 841289051RR0001.