Other Doctrinal Standards
In addition to our primary doctrinal standard, the 1644/46 London Baptist Confession, here are a number of creeds, confessions, and statements from throughout church history that define and explain our beliefs.
The Apostles' Creed (2nd-3rd century AD)
This ancient summary of the Christian faith dates from the earliest centuries of the church. While it was not written by the Apostles themselves, it is a faithful summary of their message.
The Nicene Creed (325/381 AD)
Drafted in response to the Arian heresy at the first ecumenical council at Nicaea in A.D. 325, and later expanded at the council of Constantinople in A.D. 381, the Nicene Creed confesses Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as fully and truly God.
The Athanasian Creed (4th century AD)
Named after Athanasius, the famous champion of orthodoxy, this creed confesses the doctrine of the Trinity and has been used for centuries in worship in the Western churches.
The Definition of Chalcedon (A.D. 451)
This famous paragraph is an extract from a statement issued by the Council of Chalcedon, which defines the dual nature of Jesus Christ as true God and true man.
The Danvers Statement (A.D. 1988)
The Danvers Statement is a summary of the complementarian position on manhood and womanhood—the conviction that God created men and women equal in value and worth and beautifully distinct in design and roles.
The Teaching Statement of Calvary Grace Church (A.D. 2008)
The Teaching Statement of Calvary Grace Church is the detailed doctrinal standard to which her elders must hold and which defines the doctrinal position for her teaching ministries.
The Covenant of Calvary Grace Church (A.D. 2010)
Based on a 19th-century Baptist church covenant, this covenant outlines the obligations and responsibilities of membership in a local church.
The Nashville Statement (A.D. 2017)
The Nashville Statement, which lays out the Christian position on gender and sexuality, was prepared by the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and published in 2017.
The Congregational Confession of Faith of Calvary Grace Church (A.D. 2018)
The Congregational Confession of Faith explains the doctrinal standard to which all members of Calvary Grace Church need to subscribe. Its intent is to provide a basic yet broad summary of the fundamentals of the Christian faith.